Herald of Green Light - MZTM-EN062 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
Heavenly Dragon Circle - MZTM-EN102 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
Gladiator Beast War Chariot - MZTM-EN105 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
Gladiator Beast Tamer Editor - MZTM-EN086 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
Gladiator Beast Samnite - MZTM-EN069 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
Gladiator Beast Laquari - MZTM-EN067 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
Gladiator Beast Heraklinos - MZTM-EN084 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
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Gladiator Beast Bestiari - MZTM-EN066 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
Galaxy Satellite Dragon - MZTM-EN096 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
Galactic Spiral Dragon - MZTM-EN079 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
Embodiment of Apophis - MZTM-EN104 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
Defense of the Temple - MZTM-EN007 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
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Cutter Shark - MZTM-EN046 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
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Clear World - MZTM-EN098 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
Clear Vice Dragon - MZTM-EN071 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
Clear Rage Golem - MZTM-EN038 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
Clear Cube - MZTM-EN039 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
Break the Seal - MZTM-EN043 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
Atlantean Marksman - MZTM-EN072 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
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Antidote Nurse - MZTM-EN048 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
Angel Statue - Azurune - MZTM-EN109 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
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Allure Dance - MZTM-EN060 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)
A-to-Z Energy Load - MZTM-EN024 - Rare 1st Edition (PRE-ORDER) (SHIPS AFTER MAR 14TH)